Milky Fangs is the name I decided upon when trying to come up with a fitting title for my website. But what is in a name?
For anyone who has spent a moment browsing the site you will quickly see that I have a cat named Nos, short for, well see for yourself. Once you realize that the name is mundane most of the mystique is lost, still, the name is fun and it has a nice ring to it. For example “Cat Vampire” or “Vampire Cat” both sound silly. Milky Fangs has a nice ring.
Anyway, that is about the site in general. Personally, I am a data analyst during the day which is rewarding. Most people don’t think so when I tell them, in fact they tend to think that I am teasing them. But it is a nice job, one that I was made for, and it makes me feel fortunate to have.
During my college years I spent a lot of time traveling. Rewarding, and expensive for a college student budget but somehow it worked out. Mostly due to my fastidious budgeting.